- Under 1000 sq.ft price is $295.00
- 1001 to 2000 sq.ft price is $345.00
- 2001 to 2500 sq.ft price is $395.00
- 2501 to 3000 sq.ft price is $445.00
- 3001 to 3500 sq.ft price is $495.00
- 3501 to 4000 sq.ft price is $545.00
- 4000 sq.ft and up call for pricing
- Re-inspections starting at $125.00
- Pool Only 75.00
- Spa Only 75.00
- Pool and Spa 125.00
- Visual Mold inspections with report $250.00
Reminder to all realtors We have Sentri Key access for your properties.